Laptops are crippling millions with back problems
Posted on: Apr 2011
Girls as young as 12 are being diagnosed with nerve damage caused by slouching over screens
Booming sales of laptops have led to a surge in the number of computer users with back and muscle problems, experts have warned.
Girls as young as 12 are being diagnosed with nerve damage caused by slouching over screens, a group of leading chiropractors said.
Millions of others are at risk of “irretrievable damage” to their spines, necks and shoulders because of poor posture when using laptops, it was claimed.
Back specialists say as many as four in five patients have chronic nerve damage caused by working on portable PCs.
The problem is being driven by falling prices and the increasing availability of wireless technology, which makes portable computers more attractive.
Laptop sales in PC World went up by more than 25 per cent last year.
In addition, laptops used at work are not subject to the same health and safety regulations as desktop computers.
This makes it more likely they will be used incorrectly.
A common problem is perching a laptop on the legs so users stare down at the screen and put strain on their necks, spines and legs.