Frozen Shoulder

1. What is Frozen Shoulder Syndrome?
Frozen Shoulder Syndrome, aka, adhesive capsulitis is a very painful and debilitating condition and includes intense pain in the involved shoulder with a significant loss of both range of motion and the ability to use the affected shoulder and arm. Patients with this condition suffer from a serious loss of sleep due to pain and also a significant reduction of their quality of life.

2. What causes Frozen Shoulder Syndrome?
Up until now, the exact cause of Frozen Shoulder Syndrome has been unknown. That is why it is called a “syndrome” which means a “collection of symptoms”. Reputable websites like the Mayo Clinic suggest an association between Frozen Shoulder Syndrome and a recent surgery, a past injury, recent shoulder immobilization due to an injury or surgery, thyroid problems, cardiovascular problems, Diabetes Mellitus, and Parkinson’s disease.

3. What are the traditional treatments for Frozen Shoulder Syndrome?
An internet search of Frozen Shoulder Syndrome will elicit many thousands of “hits” on the subject which is an indication of how big this problem is. Traditional treatments include pain and anti inflammatory medications, steroidal injections, physical therapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, and surgery. These procedures have a very low cure rate with most patients going from one treatment type to another desperately searching for relief. Many are forced to endure months if not years of needless suffering. In fact, if you are reading this information you may be one of these patients.

If you are one of those patients suffering from Frozen Shoulder, make an appointment with Doc Rob TODAY!

Frozen ShoulderFrozen shoulder occurs when the connective tissue enclosing the joint becomes thickened and tight

Dr. Rob Sanfilippo